Zerene Stacker Batch Jobs

by Johan J Ingles-Le Nobel
Last updated August 31, 2017


One of the handiest aspects of Zerene Stacker is the ability to do batch jobs, the execution of a series of stacks on a computer without any manual intervention.

This lets you process a bunch of different stacks overnight to see how parameter variations might have an effect on your final stack. In other words, to choose the best final render out of a series of variations - an invaluable image quality tool. Think variations in photoshop, but done another way.

Zerene Settings

Batch jobs settings can be saved and re-used in different projects, so once you find a set of variations that covers most of your projects then testing out the final result of your stacks becomes nothing more than a time-consuming press of a button on the batch jobs screen in Zerene Stacker.

zerene batch job

Water boatman focus stack processed using a batch job. Zerene Stacker batch jobs are very much the logical way to test out different variations in your Zerene Stacker settings as they can all be preprogrammed in and allowed to run overnight.

Why Use Batch Jobs?

Batch jobs are the logical way to test out different variations in your Zerene Stacker settings as they can all be preprogrammed in and allowed to run overnight.

This means, for example, that you can stack your Zerene Stacker substacks with 20 different DMap settings, then wake up in the morning and decide which of the results works best for that particular subject and use that as your base.

I personally do all of my Zerene Stacker stacks using batch jobs, with a set of batch scripts that's been built up over time using the free ZereneVS utility.

Zerene & ImageJ

The batch capability in Zerene Stacker can also be used to provide an API (Application Programming Interface) that allows Zerene Stacker to be controlled by another application such as ImageJ or a command script. For details, see, Batch API: Running Zerene Stacker From Another Application.